Technology is the new bloodline for businesses and life. It is now critical in every aspect of our life. This all around pervasiveness deserves to be a part of your investments. Catch the trends and gain handsomely.
of ₹

- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 53.41
- 8 Yrs
- 8.60%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 35414.76 Cr
- 03 Mar 2000
- Sankaran Naren , Vaibhav Dusad , Priyanka Khandelwal

- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 168.5839
- 4 Yrs
- 17.48%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 24638.69 Cr
- 22 Aug 1998
- Anand Radhakrishnan , Varun Sharma