Such funds invest both into equity and debt instruments with an objective to generate positive returns. The management style is active, which means, the fund will keep exploring opportunities to improve the overall yield of the portfolio at similar risk levels by moving from one product to other and generate a better delta of returns for the investors.
of ₹

- ₹ 15000
- ₹ 23.8402
- 7 Yrs
- 10.58%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 409983.43 Cr
- 01 Oct 1971
- Amandeep Singh Chopra , Ajay Tyagi

- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 10.67
- NA
- 2.28%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 152937.27 Cr
- 01 Aug 2017
- Anupam Tiwari , R. Sivakumar

- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 24.28
- 8 Yrs
- 8.54%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 128707.75 Cr
- 20 Aug 2009
- Bhavesh Jain , Bharat Lahoti , Gautam Kaul

- ₹ 500
- ₹ 15.556
- NA
- 7.19%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 123759.5 Cr
- 06 Feb 2014
- Saurabh Bhatia , Atul Bhole

- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 13.42
- NA
- 5.31%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 82872.38 Cr
- 10 Oct 2014
- Arpit Kapoor , Sumit Agrawal , Arvind Subramanian
- ₹ 1000
- ₹ 27.53
- 9 Yrs
- 8.29%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 71916.69 Cr
- 04 Oct 2007
- Pranav Gokhale , Taher Badshah

- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 12.3107
- NA
- 4.05%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 56132.78 Cr
- 26 Mar 2015
- Dinesh Balachandran , Mohit Jain
- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 10.88
- NA
- 5.45%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 53546 Cr
- 14 Nov 2018
- Sanjay Chawla , Dipak Acharya , Alok Sahoo

- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 20.16
- 9 Yrs
- 7.65%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 13469.7 Cr
- 16 Dec 2010
- Ravi Gopalakrishnan , Bekxy Kuriakose
- ₹ 5000
- ₹ 13.8452
- NA
- 5.33%
- ₹ 360,000
- Calculating...
- ₹ 9646.25 Cr
- 14 Mar 2014
- Ajay Khandelwal , Amit Modani